Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tradition vs Innovation in Martial Arts

Here is a post from Master Bill Pottle from @Korean Academy of Taekwondo.

I once saw a Taekwondo school that bragged on their website (of all places.) "We are a very traditional school. We only teach Front Kick, Side Kick, and Roundhouse kick." Now, of course each person is allowed to interpret their own traditions within the framework of their own school and style. But personally I don't think tradition was supposed to be interpreted this way. That's why our school motto is "With a mind in the future and a heart in the past." Tradition has a TON of value to martial arts students. It provides a link to both the past and the future. However, the danger of tradition is being stuck. Why did people do things a certain way? And, would they really have been so against doing things a better way.

Honestly, when I read the above statement I thought, really? Are you also still riding around on bicycles with a huge front wheel, 'debugging' your computer by wiping the vacuum tubes down with a cloth, and refusing penicillin? When a better thing comes around, take advantage of it! Humanity has a tremendous capacity for innovation and little things are constantly being improved.

When I was a color belt, I remember black belts who were 'so amazingly good.' However, when I go back and watch video footage of their matches now, there is no comparison to the current top black belts. You don't see gymnastics schools saying "We're very traditional. We believe in never doing more than one back flip at a time." Of course, they evolve.

We have tried to straddle the balance of having a traditional mindset, but still taking advantage of improvements. It's not always easy, but we have always tried to have the best of both worlds.

Monday, October 18, 2010

CKTKD Wins Annual Honors

CKTKD won awards at from the first annual Colorado State Taekwondo Association Awards Banquet. Master Bob McKenna won 'Referee of the Year' and KAT (The TKD in CKTKD) won the 'School of the Year' for winning the most medals in the State and National Championships. Make sure to congratulate Master Bob when you see him!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Awesome Demo at Mile High Stadium

CKTKD Students tore up Invesco Field recently for a demonstration for the Denver Outlaws Lacrosse Team. Check out the video below:

Contact us to have our demonstration team perform at your next event.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Upcoming events

Hello Everyone,
Hope you are having a great summer! Here are some upcoming dates you will want to mark down on your calendars:
1. Summer Camps! Registration is still open for our July 6th, July 19th, and July 26th camps, so register today at .
2. Mountain Training: It's that time of year again! Join the other KAT students as we climb Mt. Torres and practice martial arts in the mountains.
3. Demo at Denver Outlaws game on July 31st: Our team will join the KAT demo team in performing at the game. Contact Master Bill asap if you would like to be on the team!
4. Martial Arts Festival! This year's Martial Arts Festival is scheduled for Aug 28th. This is an event you don't want to miss! It is hosted by KAT and features tons of fun and exciting martial arts competitions and challenges, and competitors win lots of great prizes.
Hope to see you at these events and, of course, training hard at the dojo!
-Sensei Melinda

Monday, June 21, 2010

Baby's First Chun Ji

Here is a video of doing Chun Ji with Kyra Pottle on her Birthday.

Great job on the test.

Great job everyone on the test last weekend. Everyone broke their boards and some of the memorable performances included Autumn sparring, great discipline from Little Tigers, and Mitch's combinations. I'm seeing progress from everyone at each testing!